Geoprocessing with Python



GIS5103 - GIS Programming - Module 4

Learning Objectives:
  • Create and modify scripts
  • Creating a script tool using ModelBuilder
  • Use Python 3 to perform multiple geoprocessing tasks

This week I learned the practical application of running batch geoprocessing tools. I also had the opportunity to create scripts using ArcGISpro Notebook and model builder for when multiple tools are required. I used a model to design a tool to Clip, Select, and Erase specific features from an indicated shape file. I also wrote a script that added XY coordinates, executed a buffer analysis and dissolved those buffers into a single shape in a designated shape file. This script also included printing messages after each tool was run. (See below) For both parts of this lab I found it helpful to start with an understanding of each tool before attempting to write any code. This helped me to understand how each piece would fit together with each of the others. 
