Python Fundamentals


Python Fundamentals

GIS5103 - GIS Programming - Module 2

Learning outcomes:

  • Run Python script using Notebook in ArcGIS Pro
    • F5 run module in IDLE
    • ctrl+enter in Arc Notebook. This is a convenient way to run one line of code at a time.
  • Work with string variables in Python
    • covered in the first step of the lab in which we assign our name to a variable. We then split the string variable to only show our last name.
  • Use and import modules
    • imported the 'random' module, this allowed us to create our game by randomly generating numbers
  • Save Python code as a script
  • Include comments in scripts
    • this lab's script gave instructions using #s, giving ample experience to become comfortable with how and when to use comments in scripts. 
  • Create loops and conditional statements
    • Covered in steps 3 and 4

  • Iterate variables within loops to control script workflow
  • The screenshot below shows my successful program:
    • First the computer prints my last name
    • Then, the computer rolls for each player
    • After that the computer adds 20 randomly generated numbers from 0 to 10 to an empty list. 
    • The computer then prints out a statement telling how many times an unlucky number was added. (in this case I assigned 3 as the unlucky number)
    • Once all of the numbers have been removed the computer prints a new list. 
