GIS5050 Final Project

 Final Project

(Module 7)
In 2006 Florida Power and Light Company (FPL) proposed a route for a transmission line and accompanying corridor from Manatee Energy Center (Manatee County, Florida) to the Bobwhite substation in Sarasota county, Florida. 

This was a tremendous project that required accuracy, careful consideration, excellent communication and outreach, and many hours of dedicated GIS analysis

The over all objectives of the project are to minimize the negative impact on homes, schools, and environmentally sensitive lands, while minimizing the length of the transmission line required, and maximizing the ability to provide power to new customers. 

The objectives of this analysis are to assess the impacts of the Preferred Corridor on homes, schools, and environmentally sensitive lands AND visually communicate all of the information to the end user.

For this project I prepared: 
  • Cartographic model
  • Process Summary
  • Analysis showing the impact and extent of the impact on:
    • Homes
    • Parcels
    • Schools
    • Conservation lands
    • Wetlands 
  • ArcGIS Story Map
  • Recorded Presentation
